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פורום המרצות והמרצים למשפטים למען הדמוקרטיה

منتدى محاضري القانون من أجل الديمقراطية

The Israeli Law Professors’ Forum for Democracy

פורום המרצות והמרצים למשפטים למען הדמוקרטיה

منتدى محاضري القانون من أجل الديمقراطية

The Israeli Law Professors’ Forum for Democracy

Position Paper No. 32: Response to the Proposal to allow the Coalition to Appoint Judges

The Government decided today to defer enactment of parts of its planned legal “reform” and to push forward only a so-called “softened” proposal to change the composition and procedure of the Judicial Appointments Committee.

This, in fact, a plan to seize control of the Supreme Court by appointing its next President and two of its judges. This proposal is neither a compromise nor a weakened version of any previous proposal. Taking over of the Supreme Court will destroy its independence and turn it into a captive court. This is the most important part of the Coalition’s original plan and once obtained they will be unstoppable.

· The proposal authorizes blatant political appointment of judges and of the President of the Supreme Court who will serve on behalf of the coalition. This in itself is sufficient to overthrow the independence of