These are difficult days for the State of Israel. The risks to social cohesion, the economy, security, and stability at this time are tremendous. In case of an agreement on cessation of the unilateral legislation and transition to dialogue, and in order to help facilitate such initiatives, we seek to emphasize the vital importance of preserving basic principles in any statutory arrangement regarding judicial review on grounds of non-reasonableness. In this paper, we also respond to the proposal put forward by Arnon Bar-David, Chairman of the Histadrut (Israel’s general workers’ union), and Dubi Amitai, Chairman of the Israeli Business Sector Presidium (as of July 23, 2023). Though we appreciate their efforts, we will explain why we oppose their proposal and believe it does not uphold the abovementioned essential basic principles.
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פורום המרצות והמרצים למשפטים למען הדמוקרטיה
منتدى محاضري القانون من أجل الديمقراطية
The Israeli Law Professors’ Forum for Democracy
פורום המרצות והמרצים למשפטים למען הדמוקרטיה
منتدى محاضري القانون من أجل الديمقراطية
The Israeli Law Professors’ Forum for Democracy
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